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December 28th, 2014 The RUN is 42 out of 43 Weeks

Waist high or better, at least once a week. There was
waist to chest high surf on the 24th, 25th, and the 27th.

All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the owner, the author, authors or sources of said materials.

A true Christmas Miracle.

Longtime readers of this blog, and close personal friends of mine know who this man is below. For those who do not, his name is Joe Somogyi. He was my best friend back in the 70's. He lived and surfed here for just a short time (71-78) but in that time he made a big impact on a lot of us older surfers. As some of you know, Joe was more than just a local surfer. He was a bona fide war hero of the Vietnam war. He was the real deal.

I have written about Joe dozens of times over the years. Mostly on Memorial day and Veterans Day. I even brought him up this summer at Ed O'Connell's Memorial paddle. And one of the last thing's that the late John "JT" Taylor and I spoke about right before he passed, was Joe. He was always a part of my life after he passed away. I even wrote a song about him, and made videos about him.

My wife and kids never met him, but they know everything about him.

Joe had an older brother Steve who has been a part of our lives since the early 70's. We stay in touch a few times a year. There are a handful of local older surfers who knew Joe as well. It always seemed right to constantly bring him up in conversation. It is after all, a way to remember him, and a way to keep his legacy as a pioneer alive.

Joe named quite a few breaks that you all surf today.

This photo that I took of Joe was right after he came out of the water at 10th street. I think it was 1975. The ripped wetsuit, and the disgusted look on his face makes me laugh to this day. He didn't want me to take his photo. He didn't mind me shooting movies of him surfing, but they all shied away from the portrait shots. I never cared what they thought. I was always shooting and documenting.

And thank god I did. If I didn't shoot back in the day we'd have very little recorded NH surf history today. I'm not looking for accolades just pointing out a few facts here. But yea, you're welcome.

I remember this shirt. And look at that head of hair!

This is Joe surfing at 10th street. It's a video frame grab from one of my many old surf movies. I have 100's of rolls of film from the 70's.

OK, I'm sure by now most of you are wanting to know what the Christmas miracle is. Well, I'm about to tell you.

There have been dozens of times in the last 10 years, where I have received emails from total scam artists trying to get me to invest money towards some recent widow who is sitting on a large sum of money, in some foreign bank. You know what I'm talking about.

It usually starts out with "Dear Sir, You don't know who I am, but I am the widow of the late King Choogumbi who was killed by rebels. Before his murder, my husband withdrew $20million dollars from the bank of Mugabee and I have the money in my possession. The rebels are after me, and you are the only person my late husband trusts..." blah blah blah. Funny stuff I know.

I typically just delete them. After I chuckle at the poor writing style and absurd requests. I would even write back to them on occasion and send my sarcastic emails to my friends, so they could get a good laugh out of them as well.

The other day I got an email that started out the same way.
"Sir please forgive me, I know you don't know who I am my name is Heather..." And as I was reading I was reaching for the delete key when I stopped dead in my tracks when I read the rest of the opening sentence."...but I believe you know my father, Joseph Somogyi."

To say that I was stunned would be a gross understatement. I was instantly blown away. Joe has a daughter? How? When? Where?
Is this some kind of a cruel joke? A scam? My mind was racing. As I read further, this woman went on to explain how this all came about.
For the sake of privacy to all involved, I will not include last names here until this all comes out. Right now it is 99% accurate.

But here's what we NOW know. Joe was diagnosed with terminal cancer in December 1977. That same month he had relations with a woman from Canada. It was the 70's, rare was the time anyone used condoms or other preventive measures to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Apparently this woman got pregnant and didn't tell Joe.

Joe was at that time, in the battle of his life. She chose not to tell him for many reasons. Right or wrong, it was her decision. Those of us who were close to Joe did not know any of this. Did I know he saw women who I never met? Yes. He was a single surfer. Of course he had women companions that I never met. Besides, at that time I was living back in Massachusetts. The only times I saw Joe in the late 70's was when there was surf.

We talked on the phone plenty of times. And when he started to "puke blood" I was the one who screamed at him to get it checked out. Of course by that time, it was too late. The cancer had already invaded his body, and was on a deadly course to end his life.

Joe passed away on May 1st, 1978. I was with him that whole day.

And the last thing we talked about was Joe trying to contact me in the afterlife. To somehow let me know that he was there. I swear to you all this is what we talked about. There have been times when I thought he was there. I had dreams.

There were other things that were unexplainable.

Like when I had a dream of Joe wearing his green nylon surf trunks and he was trying to convince me to go on a surf trip. I kept telling him in my dream that I was married with three kids and could not go anywhere. He just laughed at me. Standing there in his trademark green nylon surf trunks, with the hand sewn rawhide, that he used for skateboarding protection. He laughed and goofed on me.
It was typical Joe.

A few months after the dream, Dave Cropper called me to say that he had something for me at the shop. When I showed up to get it he told me that JT had been there recently and was "cleaning his barn out when he found these (Joe's green nylon trunks)and said Ralph would want these." I was stunned and told Crop about my dream.

There were other times and dreams as well.

But this news? Joe had a daughter? No, he had twins. Heather and Holly were born on September 13th, 1978. Five months after Joe passed away. Twin girls. Both 36 years old. Mothers of 5 children between them. Joe not only was a father, he was a grandfather as well. The story gets even crazier. Turns out, they lived at 9th Street directly across from the Wall. From the time they were born until 1994. They walked, ran, and played in the same playground as our own children. The surf of the north Atlantic ocean.

I wrote back and then called her later that night. We spoke for an hour and a half before she had to go to work. After speaking with her and getting a better feel for this whole story. I was able to connect the dots and the time line. I knew I had to call Steve Somogyi. Joe's older brother. I waited until Christmas Eve. Then I called. It was emotional. And Steve went through the same series of emotions as myself, and the Grondins. Others who knew Joe are undoubtedly reading this now and shaking their heads in disbelief.

But believe it. It's true. Joe has twin daughters and 5 grandchildren.

Heather (right and mom).

Heather and Holly. Twins of Joe Somogyi. I told Heather,"We need to meet in person. The last time I saw your father I gave him a hug and told him I loved him. When I see you, I will hug you as I did your father to make that same connection. Only 36 years later." She cried and said she would come to see us all.

In closing, before we hung up, she asked me where her father was buried. I told her "He's buried in upstate New York, but his soul lives here in Hampton." And it does. With every swell, and every change of season. Joe Somogyi lives on here in New Hampshire.

"Christmas Miracles Heal All Wounds"



"Ed's Corner" pic this week is from last December. The unknown at the Wall. To see more of Ed's pics just hit the archives tab and scroll through the years and see some Ed's work.

Be sure to pick up the new SFOD movie The COLD COAST and check out the extra feature of Ed O'Connell's gallery set to music.
Each week I will feature one of Ed's great pics from this blog.
Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

The COLD COAST is available at CINNAMON RAINBOWS, PIONEERS BOARD SHOP, and SUMMER SESSIONS. You can also buy one from SURF FREE OR DIE by sending a money order or check for $20. Go to for ordering details.

Portions of the eventual DVD proceeds will go to the

This is my second time playing here with just an acoustic and a few absurd true stories. Always fun, and the Flatbread is always great.

I was laughing the other day saying this is my new criteria for playing out. I need to be within walking distance of my home. And the hours have to be reasonable. I think 6:30 to 8:30 is pretty reasonable. I have so many songs it would take me a week of playing out to get through half of them.

Now for Some Of My Weekly Global Observances

The funeral of slain NYPD officer Ramos was the scene of both mourners and protesters. It should be mentioned again. That the shooting of the two police officers who were murdered in broad daylight sitting in their vehicle, was the direct result of the negative protesters who have been marching against all police nationwide. One of the chants in NY last week was "WHAT DO WE WANT? DEAD COPS! WHEN DO WE WANT IT? NOW!!" I mean you have got to be kidding me.

And lest anyone forgets, both Michael Brown and Eric Garner would both be alive today had they simply obeyed a direct police order. Brown was asked to walk on the sidewalk and Garner was resisting arrest. They would both be alive today if they simply obeyed the law.

How can anyone justify killing two police officers? A husband and father of two sons.

Fellow officers turn their backs on NY mayor Bill de Blasio.

Another big story this week is the incredible reversal of SONY to allow the movie THE INTERVIEW to play in select theaters. Turns out that Obama calling SONY a bunch of pussies was too much for the mucky mucks at SONY so they caved again.

Whatever. All I know is that overgrown bully with that ridiculous haircut has no business telling Americans what we can watch and what we cant. Thank God SONY had the re-growth of balls and stepped up to that bonehead bully. F*** North Korea and Kim Yong Um and his late father.
***Message to the people of North Korea wake the F*** up and get that fool out of there.



Please enjoy the weekly humiliation of the mastermind terrorist who killed 3,000 innocent civilians on September 11th, 2001.
Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM), the mastermind behind 9-11 the captured Al Qeada ICON is getting his weekly slap in the face. As always you're so very welcome KSM fans.

* Note to self: Must pick up a case cheap sun tan lotion at Home Depot
this week.

The Patriots lost to the BILLS today 17-9 in what was one of the most embarrassing games ever played in Foxboro. I know the game had no meaning per se (unless pride is a meaning). It's just that you hate to see them lose when they could have won.

Again, I know it's meaningless. Unless you're a fan. And how about those little kids at the stadium? They came to see their sports heroes play football. Not stink up the joint. Which is basically what they did. Well, they have earned a BYE. So we wait and see who we are going to play in two weeks.

And Happy Birthday to all you December birthdays!
*Facebook no longer gives me the weekly birthday updates.
They only send me daily ones. Sorry.
RIP Mike Tabeling 1949-2014 East Coast Legend.

**** It's been brought to my attention that there have been a series of break-ins along the Rye coast of surfers who leave their keys on their vehicles. We can't stand for this kind of BS. If anyone sees some breaking into vehicles while the owners are out surfing please call
the police. Or get their license number.

Please continue to send positive thoughts and prayers
to our dear friend Debra White and family. And to my sister Evamarie Urban. Also say a prayer for my good friend Robert Gerard. And there are two other seacoast residents who could use your prayers. No names just yet. But ask for help for the surfers and their families who are suffering. God will know which ones they are. Please add them all to your prayer list.

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to Ralph's Pic Of The Week every
week for the last 9 years. **Think about BUYING a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf For Fun.


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Don't forget to go back and read the whole DAILY BLOG on
My CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY. (Click On the Banner below
on this page.) Started on July 26, 2010 ENDED July 26, 2011.
A Wave a day for 365 consecutive days.
Yesterday- Ralph bottom turn on the Black VINNY. 1979.
(Below) This is me surfing a left point in Nova Scotia in 1979. It was the first time anyone had ever surfed this particular point. We got to name it. I won't say the name here, but suffice it to say, it has been ridden many times since. I was a member of the original American pioneers s who surfed in Nova Scotia the summer of 1971. I will also say that I was not the first one to have a black surfboard. The first was Joe Somogyi. I only got a black board after he passed away. I wanted to keep his memory alive anyway I could. My son Max is riding the exact same board below (in the first today gallery) some 35 years later.
Photo courtesy of SFOD.

Click on the photo above to see the larger version.

To contact the advertisers below, simply click on the Ad itself. Anyone wishing to find out info about advertising here can do so by emailing me directly by clicking here. Ralph's Email I'll send you a template and other info on how you can become a paid sponsor

We highly recommend the various businesses and artists listed below. Why? Well simply put, each and every one of them is a Surfer, who lives the Surfing Lifestyle, and their business is a reflection of that lifestyle that we all love.

*Unless otherwise noted.

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Today- The December 27th, 2014 Surf.
Photos by RALPH

(Above) The EXACT same board that I am riding in the yesterday photo.
Only 35 years later. Mackey V keeping the stoke alive for the Black Vinny.
December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Hannah Vokey smooth sailing up north.
December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) This might be Joel Feid. I never waited long enough for him to exit the water. If it's someone else, let me know and I'll fix this caption.
December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above)*For the record, we have bought all of our JEEPS from Lansdale JEEP the last 23 years, and have not had a single regret. They are the BEST!!
*Click on the Ad above to see more!

(Above) Unknown Goofy foot longboarder. This guy was picking off a lot of
lefts. December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Unknown Grom at the Wall. I'm sure someone knows who this kid is. Let me know, and I'll put his name on the caption. December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Norm MacLean slips in and under this righthander shortly before
his leash broke. December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- The Black and White Christmas Morning.
December 25th, 2014 Surf.
Photos by RALPH

(Above) MVF impacted like a stocking stuffer on Christmas morning. December 25th, 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The guy on the left was pretty stoked. He's leaving for Hawaii in two weeks. December 25th, 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Unknown longboarder cranking a B&W turn on Christmas morning. December 25th, 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

If you know a surfer who may be struggling with any kind of substance abuse. Click here. They can help.
*Click above to save a surfer from substance abuse.

(Above) Unknown backside lip tap. December 25th, 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- The SEQUENCES December 25th & 27th, 2014
Photos by RALPH

(Above) MVF's B&W cover up sequence. December 25th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Pev's long backside nose ride sequence. December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Mikey Evans tip riding master. Sequence. December 27th, 2014.
Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Drop by and say hello and get the
BEST Wrap in town!!

(Above) This sequence is worth the click alone. Kyle Linseman and Pev. December 27th, 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- The EMPTY Waves of December 25th & 27th, 2014
Photos by RALPH

(Above) Nicely wrapped for Christmas morning. December 25, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Then the sun came out two days later. December 27, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Something like this always gets my attention. December 27, 2014.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) If a wave breaks in the ocean and no one sees it, does it still make a noise? December 27, 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today- The COLD COAST Video Frame Grabs.
Winter 2014.
Photos by RALPH

(Above) The view at the Wall looking south. From the movie THE COLD COAST. Winter 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The hiding in plain sight session. From the movie THE COLD COAST. Winter 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Lenny Nichols trudging through the snow. From the movie THE COLD COAST. Winter 2014. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The Ice Cold Wall. From the movie THE COLD COAST. Winter 2014. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Today-The Photos from Around The World.
Photos via the Google Machine

(Above) Ahhh this looks nice right about now.
December 2014.
Photos via the Google Machine
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The long deep lines of Northern California where my good friend
Rocky lives and surfs. December 2014.

Photos via the Google Machine

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


We welcome all Surf Related pics from our Readers. Just make sure they are at least 900 pixels wide. If you have any OLD photos of local New England surfers and or of local New England surfing, we would love to see them and share them with our readers.

We can scan them for you. And we get them back to you undamaged. Trust me. We can do this...people love the older stuff. So if you have any, please send 'em along. If you have prints/slides we can scan them for you.

And we don't care if you shoot pics with with your cellphones. I mean it. Most of the images you see on the news and on the Internet were shot with them Smart Ass Phones. So shoot and ask questions later.

The GoPro shots from Scott Heelen.
Photo Scott Heelen
*Click on the photo above to see the whole photo gallery.

Click above to purchase on Amazon

Hard to tell where this is. Which is a good thing.
The GoPro shots from Scott Heelen.
Photo Scott Heelen
*Click on the photo above to see the whole photo gallery.

POV GoPro shots from Scott Heelen.
Photo Scott Heelen
*Click on the photo above to see the whole photo gallery.


(Above) ALL RISE: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session.
The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding.
Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the Verdict
that was rendered.
Photo by RALPH

* Click on the photo above to see the OUTCOME.
Click banner below to read the entire CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY Year Long Blog. From start to finish. In chronological order as it happened. And trust me, a lot happened. Some of it almost too hard to believe. But it's all there. Every single day.

CLICK ON THE PLAY BUTTON on each clip to view videos

The COLD COAST movie is now available now at the New Hampshire surf shops, and at


More clips from the winter/spring of 2014. Featuring: Stevie O'Hara, Jesse Gould, Mike Rosa, Jon Kiskinis, Kevin Grondin, Toby Parke, and Max Fatello. Shot with the Go Pro II and Canon G30 in NH. The music for this trailer is by QWILL. The movie is in the shops or online.
I'm really stoked about this movie. Hope you like it.


The music is by Jesse Ciarmataro (QWILL), Trower, and Tabor.
THE COLD COAST the latest documentary from Surf Free Or Die. 


A collection of stills and old super 8mm movie clips of my late best friend Joe Somogyi and our old surf crew back in the early to mid 70's. This is part of the 9th anniversary of the weekly Ralph's Pic blog. The song is by the Nor'easters and I wrote this about Joe back in the early 80's. Remembering our past, living in the present, and looking forward to the future.

*Additional footage from Ed O'Connell.


"The McCarthys" on Facebook:
"The McCarthys" on Twitter:
"The McCarthys" on Google+:



CLICK ON THE CRACKIE IMAGE TO SEE ALL THE CRACKIE VIDEOS. Crackie's still on an unpaid administrative leave. However if you need
a Crackie Fix just click on his face and go to his YouTube page and watch all his absurd videos. And if you have a question for Crackie,
no matter how stupid, or absurd, please send it

You can also check Crackie out on Facebook. You should Friend Him...though there are no guarantees that he'll be nice to you.

COMING NEXT WEEK ....A look back at 2014!

Recorded in 1978. Click on VINNY CD art to see a larger
version and how to order this CD and others for sale at
GAF Music.
A Division of Adlantic

COMING NEXT WEEK The last year in pictures

Recorded in 1983. Click on VINNY CD art to see a larger
version and how to order this CD and others for sale at
GAF Music.
A Division of Adlantic

(Above) Put the cursor over the images above to see happens when you DROP in
on someone. You become Invisible.
Simply put the mouse over the photo to see the
original photo and then marvel at the results of what happens when the criminal
invisible.*Put the cursor over the photo to see the Real image.
Photo by

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Today December 14th, 2014

(Above) Would you believe me if I told you this was intentional, and he actually made this? Well, it was and he did. Mikey Evans. Photo by RALPH

Click on Wave to return to top of page

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Adlantic copyright 2014